Yes, our products have been developed with “no tears” formula. Our No More Tears formula turned foaming from a job into a joy and transformed bath time into playtime. It tells moms and dads that the product is gentle, safe, and mild for their babies’ developing skin and eyes.

Our products are suitable from the very first day till 15 years of age.

All our products are developed with selected ingredients for sensitive baby skin. They are gentle and mild and especially developed for Baby’s delicate skin.

The fact that there’s a wondrous product named “Baby Oil” which is globally used and sold to millions of mothers means yes, you’re supposed to Baby Glow Baby Oil. You can add it to your baby’s bath to moisturize their skin, put it in curly hair to stop the hair from looking dull, use it as protection against cold weather, and to help get rid of cradle cap. Baby Glow Baby Oil is crafty with natural organic ingredients for the good of your baby.

Yes, all the products packages are recyclable.

Yes, we know allergens are a big concern for parents and known allergens are always changing, hence all our baby care products are hypoallergenic to the core. Our formulas are free of known allergens and should suit your baby at all time.

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